Friday, July 5, 2024

In the spotlight

The EU Council decided to impose sanctions against a leading Russian diamond company and its leader

The EU Council adopted new sanctions against Alrosa and its CEO, linking them to the conflict in Ukraine.

The corresponding decision was published in the Council of the European Union.

“The new lists concern PJSC Alrosa, which is the largest diamond mining company in the world, owned by the Russian state and which accounts for more than 90% of all Russian diamond production,” the report explains.

The EU Council notes that this company is an important part of the economic sector, providing significant income to the Russian government.

“The ban on Russian diamonds is part of the G7's efforts to develop an internationally coordinated ban on diamond imports, which aims to deprive Russia of this important source of income,” the report said.

It should be noted that at the beginning of 2024, a complete ban on the direct import of Russian non-industrial natural and synthetic diamonds, as well as diamond jewelry, came into force in the European Union.

Currently, in total, EU sanctions against Russian aggression cover almost 1,950 individuals and legal entities whose assets are frozen and their owners are prevented from providing services in the EU.


In the spotlight


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