Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Advisor to the leadership of the OP Leshchenko, who was present at the music party, calls for mobilization

The official's statements caused indignation among the Ukrainian public.

The cynicism of Ukrainian officials is sometimes too much. Advisor to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Sergei Leshchenko recently stated that it is necessary to more actively mobilize young people, because “there are too many of them in clubs and gyms,” and he himself quite often has fun behind the DJ console.

spoke about this in his Telegram channel.

He published 2 videos from Leshchenko, causing desonation and hate in the minds of Ukrainians.

Sergey Leshchenko. Instagram photo

In the footage of the first video, the official stands at the DJ console in a nightclub and entertains young guys. In the second video, Leshchenko, live on the telethon, declares that young guys should be sent to the front instead of 55-year-old soldiers.

“The military says we were treated in Kyiv, Kharkov - sports clubs full of 25-year-old big boys who could replace us 54-year-old stormtroopers, so I’ll ask early why this is happening?” - says Leshchenko.

Sergey Leshchenko. Instagram photo

It’s very strange to hear such things from an official who, in the midst of a bloody war, is dancing in a nightclub, while our guys are defending our country in the cold trenches.

Sergey Leshchenko. Instagram photo

“Mobilization is required. And demobilization. But as long as government officials raise such topics in pauses between raves and parties, there will only be hate. – writes the journalist.

Source Know.UA

In the spotlight


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