Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Speaker of the Ministry of Defense on restrictions for draft evaders: Not a punishment, but a necessity

The Ministry of Defense proposes new restrictions for evaders. It is important that they are not “punishment,” as they say on the Internet, but a necessary step, in particular, to ensure the demobilization of the military within a clearly defined period.

The restrictions proposed in the new mobilization bill for draft dodgers are not “punishment” because they will be temporary. These measures are necessary in the current circumstances.

This was stated by the speaker of the Ministry of Defense Illarion Pavlyuk on the national telethon.

The bill does not provide for “punishment” for evaders

“It seems that the whole country is thinking about how not to go to serve. This is not so, thank God,” said Pavlyuk.

The journalist asked the speaker regarding the norms proposed by the new version of the bill on “punishment” for evaders - whether, in the opinion of the representative of the Ministry of Defense, they will be supported in the Verkhovna Rada.

Everyone immediately talks about sanctions, everyone is most triggered by this.
Let's start with convenience: it is much more convenient to update data in your electronic account than to go to the TCC. The hope is that we will be able to reach a large number of Ukrainians and will finally have clear data about our citizens and understand who it is advisable to recruit, ” Pavlyuk noted.

He emphasized that the sanctions proposed by the bill apply specifically to those who violate the law - provide false data, do not appear when requested by the TCC.


In the spotlight


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