Sunday, July 7, 2024

In the spotlight

Trial in the case of ex-People's Deputy Derkach regarding high treason and illegal enrichment

Law enforcement officers sent to court the case of former MP Andrei Derkach , accused of high treason and illegal enrichment. He faces up to fifteen years in prison with confiscation of property.

This was reported by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau ( NABU) and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP). During the investigation, it was established that the accused received at least $567 thousand from law enforcement and intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation during 2019-2022 for subversive activities against Ukraine.

He, in particular, took actions aimed at discrediting the image of Ukraine in the international arena, deteriorating diplomatic relations between the United States and Ukraine, as well as complicating Ukraine’s integration into the European Union and NATO.

In July 2022, during a series of searches, NABU and SAPO discovered and seized materials indicating the long-term subversive activities of the accused, his stable connections with representatives of the aggressor state and collaborators.

SAPO and NABU qualify the actions of the ex-deputy under Part 2 of Art. 28, part 1 art. 111, art. 368-5 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Due to his concealment abroad, he was informed of the suspicion in absentia and put on the wanted list. Derkach faces up to fifteen years with confiscation of property.

High treason and illegal enrichment: the case of ex-People's Deputy Derkach was sent to court

Let us recall that in June 2022, the SBU exposed the Russian GRU intelligence network in Ukraine . It included the odious deputy Andrei Derkach, who was involved in the creation of a number of private security companies in different regions of Ukraine, which were supposed to help the Russian Federation quickly seize the state.

On September 16, Derkach received a message of suspicion in absentia. We are talking about articles regarding high treason and illegal enrichment. The investigation is currently ongoing, and at the same time the parliamentarian has been put on the wanted list . As you know, the ex-people's deputy fled Ukraine before the start of a full-scale Russian invasion.

In 2020, the US Treasury Department imposed personal sanctions against Andriy Derkach. The justification for the sanctions stated that counterintelligence considers Derkach a Russian agent.

And recently, a court in the United States announced an indictment against former Ukrainian MP Andrei Derkach . Washington accuses the former Ukrainian politician of a number of financial crimes.

Source ОBOZ.UA

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