Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

The son of the ex-mer of Odessa probably headed the representative office of the occupation administration of the Kherson region in Moscow

The son of the former scandalous mayor of Odessa Ruslan Bodelan, Volodmir Bodelan, who had been “friends” for a long time with the self-proclaimed “governor” of the Kherson region Vladimir Saldo, headed the “representative office” of the occupation administration of the left bank of the Kherson region in Moscow.

It became known that the occupation administration of the left bank of Kherson received its representative office in the capital of Russia. The infidels probably put collaborator Vladimir Bodelan at the head of the institution.

It should be noted that Vladimir Bodelan is the former head of the regional department of the State Emergency Service and the son of the former mayor of Odessa Ruslan Bodelan. Since 2016, he has been wanted in connection with the May 2 case. He is accused of leaving citizens in danger, since the first cars with rescuers arrived at the burning Trade Union House 30-40 minutes later.

According to the Center for Investigative Journalism, the representative office officially opened on February 2, 2024, but it was added to the state register in October 2023. It is noted that at that time the acting head of the institution was Maria Kuznetsova, and on January 30 he was replaced by Vladimir Bodelan.

“According to the “governor” of the occupied part of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, Bodelan’s mission will be “representing the interests of the Kherson region in the capital, implementing programs and projects in favor of the region with federal and all-Russian organizations, helping Kherson residents in resolving issues in Moscow and much more,” – the CJR statement says.

“So far in the month of his activity, Bodelan has managed to meet with a Russian accordion player, attend a theatrical performance and pray in a church in Sergiev-Dolzhnost,” the journalists note.

It is worth noting that Bodelan Jr. is wanted in Ukraine. The court chose a measure of restraint for him in the form of detention. Bodelan is accused of ordering rescuers not to respond to calls on May 2, 2014, which led to the death of 42 people. Vladimir Bodelan headed the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service in the Odessa region.

So far, he has appeared before society as the deputy “governor of the Kherson region” Vladimir Saldo, and before that Bodelan held the position of “deputy head of the administration of the Simferopol region.”

As previously reported, in September, Vladimir Saldo was “appointed” to the position of “governor” of the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson, and Yevgeny Balitsky was “appointed” as “governor” of the Zaporozhye region, as part of a false election process that Russia organized in September.


In the spotlight


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