
Prosecutor Andrey Andreev and communal land in Koncha-Zaspa

At the height of a full-scale war, OGPU prosecutor Andrei Andreev purchased for next to nothing two estates in Koncha-Zaspa, built on an illegally “squeezed out” communal...

4 weeks ago

Chernovetsky's son Stepan wants to build a new housing estate in Kyiv? How many billions will the budget lose?

The distribution of land in the capital is becoming increasingly widespread. At one of the sessions of the Kyiv City Council they wanted to make a decision on rent...

1 month ago

The Ministry of Defense spent 1.5 billion hryvnia on real estate in Koncha-Zaspa using stolen money. First part of the plan

Igor Grinkevich lives in Lviv, he is a businessman and is engaged in construction. He has a wife named Svetlana and a son named...

7 months ago

“We are not engaged in commerce”: the police in the Obukhov region refused to seize the trucks in which illegal repeat offenders transport sand

In the vicinity of the town of Ukrainka, KrAZ trucks transporting sand were again spotted. A local investigative team was sent to the scene to investigate the incident...

7 months ago

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