Daniil Getmantsev

Taxes will be raised in Ukraine: what should businesses and ordinary citizens prepare for?

Ukrainians' taxes will be recalculated in the coming weeks. Without additional resources, problems may arise with financing the army. So far, the changes suggest...

2 weeks ago

Only Daniil Getmantsev, Evgeniy Sokur and Boris Kaufman know into what “shadow” 30 billion UAH disappeared from the tobacco market

The head of the parliamentary committee on finance and tax policy, Daniil Getmantsev, has repeatedly stated that the “black” market for tobacco products...

1 month ago

Evgeniy Sokur – “Mr. 7% rollback”

And about. Deputy head of the State Tax Service Evgeniy Sokur, using the guise of “digitalization,” shuts down enterprises until he receives compensation. Already went to some...

2 months ago

The authorities are preparing to “mobilize” the economy: for whom taxes will increase and by how much

The discussion on raising taxes has been going on in Ukraine for several months now. Of course, this is not a popular step on the part of the authorities, but...

2 months ago

How the shadowing of the cigarette market contributes to filling the budget

Ukraine, in the context of a full-scale invasion, faces an acute shortage of budgetary resources. The shadowing of the economy, especially the markets for excisable goods, will increase tax...

2 months ago

Leaked PhilipMorris documents reveal the company influenced politicians and doctors on IQOS safety

There is a growing trend around the world to reduce smoking levels. However, it is clear that cigarette and tobacco corporations would not like to see their...

2 months ago

Daniil Getmantsev vs. Boris Kaufman

Is it possible to stop the 30 billion cash cigarette market? More than a month has passed since the BEB offensive against illegal manufacturers...

3 months ago

New scheme at customs: imported branded items at prices cheaper than second-hand ones

Ukrainian sellers of branded items imported branded items at prices cheaper than second-hand ones. In the country they sold clothes at a price that...

5 months ago

UNL: lottery or another online casino

The gambling market in Ukraine continues to be a very specific area of ​​activity, which is recognized even by the Gambling Regulatory Commission...

6 months ago

What are Sergei Vyazmikin and Igor Kupranets doing after leaving the Police Economic Protection Department?

Although the name of the former deputy head of the Department of Economic Protection of the National Police of Ukraine Sergei Vyazmikin became known to the general public only in 2022...

6 months ago

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