Activist Maselko tried to retain the position of judge for Knyazev

Two representatives of the High Council of Justice tried to save ex-Chairman of the Supreme Court Vsevolod Knyazev from dishonorable dismissal from office by voting against this...

5 months ago

A judge from Kharkov is being investigated because of a conversation about the destruction of evidence

The High Council of Justice opened a disciplinary case against the judge of the Kharkov District Administrative Court Elena Zaichko due to the fact that the judge could...

9 months ago

Ukrainian justice with a Russian passport: how the state (does not) verify the citizenship of representatives of the judiciary

For years, citizens of Russia have been and are making decisions “in the name of Ukraine,” and competitions and qualification assessments are being held. An investigation by journalists about the Russian passport of the former...

11 months ago

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