
Vadim Stolar is an influential deputy who has a luxurious fleet of cars, a huge amount of cash and business connected with Putin

The opening of a register of electronic declarations in Ukraine has revealed previously unknown data about the wealth of MP Vadim Stolar and his ex-wife Inna...

6 months ago

Gerega, MP and owner of Epicenter, has a residence permit in Spain

In the period from the beginning of the all-out invasion until May 2023, the total number of days Alexander Gerega spent abroad was...

7 months ago

With the beginning of the war, NABU detective Gorbenko received 5 million hryvnia as a gift, with which she purchased a new PORSCHE and two apartments

During the two years of the war with Russia, senior detective of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau Laima Gorbenko (now Oberemok) received gifts amounting to almost...

7 months ago

Which ministers, deputies and heads of the President's Office filed declarations for 2021-2022?

Only one of the leaders of the parliamentary factions, Arakhamia, filed declarations for both years, unlike the others. 22% of people's deputies of the Supreme...

7 months ago

OPZZH deputy Boyko filed a declaration on real estate, including houses under construction near Kiev

Yuriy Boyko, who is the co-chairman of the banned faction "Opposition Platform - For Life", but is currently the head of the parliamentary group...

7 months ago

Playing with fire: will the government “bury” the declarative issue

Recently, the Verkhovna Rada renewed, by adopting the relevant law, mandatory electronic declaration for civil servants and employees of local governments. Document among...

10 months ago

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