
The Poles unblocked all checkpoints on the border with Ukraine, but not without a “fly in the ointment”

On Monday, April 29, Polish farmers stopped blocking the movement of cargo vehicles in front of the Grebenne – Rawa Ruska checkpoint. At that...

5 months ago

The blocking of the Western border affected the rise in food prices

The conflict between carriers on the border of Poland and Ukraine has led to problems in the domestic food market. Despite having sufficient stock...

9 months ago

The Russian Federation is actively spreading fake news about a ban on the travel of men with many children and disabled people across the Ukrainian border

The rules for crossing the border have not changed. Since Ukraine is under martial law, men liable for military service cannot travel outside the country.…

9 months ago

Bezuglaya offers two solutions - mobilization or confiscation of property

The pro-government deputy proposes to introduce measures to deprive citizenship and confiscate assets for foreign “deviators.” The tireless “servant of the people” Maryana Bezuglaya, who…

10 months ago

Two defensive lines are being created in the Chernihiv region

Ukraine is actively working to strengthen its border with Belarus, especially in the Chernihiv region. The Ukrainian military forces are currently...

10 months ago

The protest in Ukraine has ended: an agreement to lift the blockade on the border with Poland has been reached – State Border Guard Service

Starting from 14:00, cargo vehicles will be able to undergo normal registration and entry procedures at the Dorogusk-Yagodin checkpoint, reports...

10 months ago

In Volyn, a man tried to bribe a border guard for 1.5 thousand euros, but failed

Since the man understood that he would not be able to cross the border without the proper documents, he decided to offer a bribe to the border guard who carried out the check...

10 months ago

Poland announced its intention to appeal to the European Commission demanding the abolition of the visa-free regime for transport with Ukraine

The Polish government intends to appeal to the European Commission demanding the abolition of the visa-free regime for transport with Ukraine and the restoration of the permit system for...

10 months ago

More than 2,400 trucks are parked on the Polish-Ukrainian border

About 2,400 cargo vehicles are waiting to enter Ukraine at the border with Poland. About this on the air of the United News telethon...

10 months ago

Unauthorized stop of Ukrainian trucks at the Polish border

All border checkpoints between Poland and Ukraine, with the exception of Medika-Shegini, were closed by carriers. Journalists from visited the border checkpoint…

10 months ago

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