The DOT denies cooperation with the businessman-debtor Volodsky, who previously left the military without food, but in August they again entrusted half a billion to the involved...
The Grinkevich family found itself at the center of one of the biggest corruption scandals in Ukraine during the war. Igor Grinkevich and his...
The Grinkevich case has become one of the most discussed scandals in Ukraine. They are accused of stealing funds intended to support the Ukrainian army.…
After the Ministry of Defense, due to a scandal provoked by the investigation of the DBI, terminated contracts for the supply of uniforms of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the companies of a family of Lviv entrepreneurs...
The story of Alexander Pashchenko, who made a fortune in public service in the defense industry and illegally left abroad, caused a new wave of indignation...
The head of the State Logistics Operator Arsen Zhumadilov decided to return the company in the orbit of the corrupt Grinkevichs to the list of food suppliers for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, for years...
Did they profit from the defenders at the height of the war? The high-profile case of the Grinkevich family, whose companies entered into billion-dollar contracts with the Ministry of Defense, has already...
Since the beginning of the year, law enforcement agencies have made several arrests of individuals who may be involved in fraud with public funds. While society...
The Zhytomyr hospital is planned to be reconstructed for 361 million hryvnia. But in the project itself, connections were found with the scandalous Roman Grinkevich, detained in...
There are new exclusive details in the high-profile case of the Grinkevich family, suspected of embezzling billions of dollars from the Ministry of Defense. As it became known, in the family “scheme”...
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