Roman Belogub, the “fecal director” of the Zaporozhye market, is guarded by police

The newly appointed director of the Zaporozhye market, Roman Belogub, is guarded by four police officers after a bucket of feces was poured on him twice. We remind you...

4 weeks ago

About the majors in the Transcarpathian police. Part two

The head of the main inspection department of the GUNP in the Transcarpathian region personally covers up the illegal trade of some points in the Uzhgorod market. Again about the gang...

3 months ago

Murder of the deputy mayor of Nikopol: police detained a suspect

Dnipropetrovsk police detained Vitaly Zhuravlev, a suspect in the murder of the deputy mayor of Nikopol. “The attacker fired more than 20 shots at the victim and...

5 months ago

It is known what kind of cryptocurrencies, “cash” and cars the heads of the Zhytomyr State Administration of Ukraine possess, acquired during the war

From the declarations it became known how much the managers earn and what property they have. Cryptocurrency, relatives’ cars and millions of cash: how much do they get...

6 months ago

Prosecutor Ilnitsky put on the wanted list after a luxurious wedding in the Lviv region

They are looking for persons who fall under all three parts of Article 358 of the Criminal Code. The scandalous former prosecutor Rostislav Ilnitsky, who walked for two days...

7 months ago

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