With the rapid spread of cryptocurrencies, the global illicit business landscape, especially in the online gambling sector, has expanded significantly. Despite increased control from...
Despite the fact that our small editorial team is trying to monitor the emergence of new scammers on the Internet (especially with the prefix “crypto”), this rising star is a “scam”...
To hide his illegal enrichment, the corrupt official divorced his beloved wife. NACP based on materials from the SBI and based on the results of monitoring the ex-employee’s lifestyle...
In January 2024, 104 projects from the Web3 and blockchain sphere attracted funding totaling $619.6 million. Editorial details...
Media reports that BlackRock will cut approximately 3% of its employees. Staff cuts will occur due to the possible approval of an application for...
Embark on a transformative journey into the world of cryptocurrencies by joining the FARTCOIN movement - an extraordinary token that not only represents innovation, but…
South Korean authorities have examined crypto-asset trading carried out by all parliament members over the past three years. The total value of the transactions was almost $100...
On January 3, 2009, the Bitcoin main network officially launched. Satoshi Nakamoto created a genesis block containing 50 BTC. IN…
Vitalik Buterin calls for the revival of the “cypherpunk” revolution in the Ethereum network, which was conceived from the very beginning of the existence of this cryptocurrency. According to him...
On December 27, 2023, the daily trading volume of Marathon Digital shares reached $327 million. The company surpassed this indicator...
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