
Prosecutor Andrey Andreev and communal land in Koncha-Zaspa

At the height of a full-scale war, OGPU prosecutor Andrei Andreev purchased for next to nothing two estates in Koncha-Zaspa, built on an illegally “squeezed out” communal...

4 weeks ago

Ukraine will provide information about millionaire refugees to other states

The tax office generates reports on the financial accounts of Ukrainians for exchange with other countries. Ukraine is fully ready to launch international automatic exchange...

3 months ago

Military Commissar of the Lviv region Alexander Tishchenko turned into a rich man: millions for just a few months

Former military commissar of the Lviv region Alexander Tishchenko indicated in his declaration more than 7.8 million hryvnia of income in just four months. General…

3 months ago

Dollar millionaire forester from Rivne region Vitaliy Sukhovich was declared under suspicion

The SBI reported suspicion of illegal enrichment to a deputy of the Rivne Regional Council, who is also the deputy director of the regional office of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine”.…

7 months ago

Oleg Belinsky. Was an official, became a millionaire

Oleg Belinsky, who for a long time headed the capital market department of the public debt department of the Ministry of Finance and served as deputy chairman of the board...

10 months ago

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