Oleg Tatarov

The Prosecutor General is under the supervision of “those in charge.” Four of Kostin's six deputies are actually Tatarov's servants

The chair under Prosecutor General Andrei Kostin continues to shake. This time because of the scandal in which his first deputy Dmitry Verbitsky got into...

1 week ago

SAPO conducted searches of a NABU detective

The DDA of the National Police was involved in the searches - one of the most corrupt law enforcement units, which is controlled by Oleg Tatarov. The Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office explained…

2 months ago

Mikitas should be in prison, and with him his friends and accomplices Tatarov, Ermak and Klitschko

Yesterday, the so-called Supreme “anti-corruption” court released the notorious attacker and former people’s deputy Maxim Mikitas from house arrest. Released under...

2 months ago

The Tatarovs in the OP were scared. The petition for “Lozovoy’s edits” gained votes at lightning speed

A petition on the President’s website to cancel Lozovoy’s “edits” received almost 30 thousand votes out of the 25 thousand required in a few hours...

7 months ago

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