
Military-commercial secrets: wire

The Kharkov Regional State Administration was afraid to disclose the price of wire for fortifications, but disclosed the exact address of the manufacturer. First, the general trend. We are seeing a decrease in the pace of orders...

3 months ago

The Department of Social Protection of the Kyiv Region plans to pay more than 6 million hryvnia to the ministerial state enterprise

The Department of Social Development and Veterans Policy of the Kyiv Regional State Administration carried out the purchase. We were looking for a contractor providing data processing services. Allotted for this...

3 months ago

Officials spent 3.7 billion on cars: they preferred jeeps, pickups and crossovers

In a country where every order for a car from the budget becomes a reason for discussion, the DOZORRO project provided Ukrainians with the opportunity to consider what...

5 months ago

“Kievpasstrans” plans to spend 1 million hryvnia to fight rats and cockroaches

The municipal enterprise (KP) "Kievpasstrans" plans to disinfect premises from rats and cockroaches throughout the year and treat the premises with antifungal agents.…

5 months ago

In the Kyiv region, the village council ordered pork and chicken at a quarter higher price than its neighbors and the supermarket.

On January 16, the Department of Humanitarian Development and Health Care of the Capital Village Council of the Kyiv Region, based on the results of a tender, entered into an agreement with LLC “Foodgrand”...

5 months ago

Are local governments increasing their purchases of affordable drones?

What contribution did Prozorro make to the development of drones in 2023 and who was involved? A million FPV drones and...

6 months ago

Lviv OVA plans to purchase building materials for the renovation of St. George's Cathedral at high prices, exceeding double the norm

The Capital Construction Department of the Lviv Regional Military Administration signed an agreement with Tim-Bud LLC for the restoration of the territory of St. George's Cathedral. According to information…

6 months ago

UZ entrusted the billionth contract to the Kryukov Carriage Works, which is under sanctions

Ukrzaliznytsia held a tender for almost a billion hryvnia for the purchase of new comfortable and safe cars for night express trains. However, he will make them...

7 months ago

“The daughter of director Dudenko, throwing dollars out of the window of Gelika, led to losses of 140 million for Nikolaevvodokanal.”

How does the daughter of the director of Nikolaevvodokanal spend her time during the onset of a full-scale war and what secrets does their family hide? There are already more in Nikolaev...

7 months ago

How to deal with excessive budget expenditures in public procurement?

Rational spending of state funds. Instructions for those who don't know where to start! During the war, the maximum amount of money from...

7 months ago

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