For many Ukrainians, the result of the 2023 counteroffensive was disappointing, either due to its excessive publicity throughout the year, which influenced...
In the summer, the news feed was filled with high-profile disclosures of dozens of “call centers”, where hundreds of young people worked, aimed at misleading...
And now the main question is whether the commander in chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will receive the necessary powers to implement his breakthrough plan to break the deadlock on...
How to find additional financial resources for the further development of our state, taking into account the difficulties associated with dependence on allied funds and limited...
Media reports that BlackRock will cut approximately 3% of its employees. Staff cuts will occur due to the possible approval of an application for...
The US will create its own military industry base, and funding for Ukraine will be reduced. The United States does not plan to increase military funding...
According to information from the DBR, senior inspector of the anti-corruption department of the Lviv State Tax Service, Rutar Andrey, together with an employee of the Department of Internal...
In 1992, Western media called Ukraine “a savage with a nuclear mace.” In comparison with this, Russia turned out to be a country with nuclear...
According to Blockworks, the US government controls about 200,000 BTC, which is equivalent to $8.4 billion. Less than three months ago, this amount...
Joe Biden's proposal: Assure peace with Moscow by ceding territories. - How to recognize a traitor, father? - He will be the first to run to negotiate...
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