The Security Service, together with the National Police, neutralized a group of young people in Odessa who, on orders from the FSB, committed a series of car arsons...
Owners of Telegram channels that interfere with the legitimate activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and law enforcement officials began to be included in the “Peacemaker” database. These people are engaged...
Motorcade, security and SBU, apartment in an elite residential complex, systematic trips abroad during the big war. It's all about...
NABU and SAPO carried out searches in an old case of bribing ministerial officials with apartments by developer Sergei Kopystyra for the opportunity...
What Telegram channels write about Dnepr politicians The audience of the top ten Telegram channels of Dnepr today is almost two million users. The most popular…
NSDC Secretary Alexey Danilov explained his recent statement regarding the dangers of the activities of Telegram channels. The main threat to their activities is the anonymity of the owners...
The “masterpiece” of painting attracted the attention of Ukrainians, and they expressed their opinions on social networks. Ukrainian blogger Denis Kazansky showed photographs of a “religious” painting from…
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