
Criminal tow trucks - what is actually hidden behind the “Expres-T” sign

In the capital of Ukraine, despite the war, the transport mafia continues to operate. On paper, it provides taxi and transportation services. But on...

3 months ago

How business looks for holes in the rules of billion-dollar tenders of the “State Logistics Operator”: combat results

Three months ago, procurement of the “State Logistics Operator” began. Obviously, the reform in terms of clothing support for the Ministry of Defense looks convincing. But…

4 months ago

The State Implementation Fund finances luxury awards and cars for officials: about 200 million allocated for tenders

The Deposit Guarantee Fund has a debt to the state of over UAH 62 billion. What happened to this money and why...

6 months ago

The Grinkevich family has long been accused of fraud when participating in government tenders. New evidence has emerged in the court case

Corruption in war is not only a problem for Ukraine, but is common in many conflicts. Some dishonest people find ways to personally...

6 months ago

Why does Mayor Maletsky receive 130 thousand in salary for tenders with a “margin” and an oil refinery for his godfather in Kremenchug?

What scandals are associated with procurement, changes were made to salaries in the space industry, and what problems arose around the construction of a private...

7 months ago

“Guess the amount”: a young citizen from Pokrovsk shared his list of prices for which he traveled across the border

The 23-year-old son of official Vorotyntseva from Donbass openly claimed on social networks that he managed to travel abroad, despite the military...

7 months ago

The State Security Administration of Ukraine purchased a pair of Land Cruiser Prado SUVs at a price of 2 million hryvnia each

On November 15, the State Security Administration of Ukraine, as a result of a tender, entered into an agreement with Grand Motor LLC for the purchase of cars for…

7 months ago

Suppliers of special equipment for the State Emergency Service are facing criminal charges: the State Bureau of Investigation began an investigation after it became known that 3 billion gigabytes of information had been lost

The State Audit Service has discovered many violations during procurement for the State Emergency Service (SSES). The total amount of losses for...

7 months ago

SBU officers from Odessa purchased a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado worth 1.8 million

In the Odessa region, the Directorate of the Security Service of Ukraine, as a result of a tender, entered into a contract with ViDi Avtostrada LLC for the purchase of a passenger car…

7 months ago

The purchase of helmets for the National Police through open tenders was a third cheaper than in the previous year without tenders

KM Disti LLC won the tender of the National Police of Ukraine on November 24 for the supply of helmets in the amount of UAH 85 million, excluding…

7 months ago

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