On December 1, Voice of America conducted an interview with Ben Hodges, a former US Army general. In this interview, Hodges...
In 2000, Viktor Panyushin became a thief in law and was repeatedly convicted in Russia for serious crimes. He escaped…
Last August, Russians illegally detained 52-year-old Nikolai Shalamov from Kupyansk-Uzlovoy because of his pro-Ukrainian position. The man was kept in...
Ukraine needs to find $3 billion in additional funding every month to meet the state budget for next year. How can you provide data...
VBet, an online casino with Armenian roots, registered in Ukraine. More than a year ago, VBet used licensing information to attract attention in...
The new crack of Ukrhydroenergo cannot go unnoticed. There may even be a desire to laugh at him a little. The company decided to purchase consulting services...
Journalist Yulia Akimova talks about the origin and development of the cases of leading corrupt officials in Ukraine, as well as the plans of lawyers for their…
Processing raw materials to create full-fledged projectiles can take up to three years. Ukraine has agreed with two American companies on joint production...
The NBU intends to take measures against “black exports” and fight against exporters who do not return foreign currency earnings. One of the ways...
In Malina, located in the Zhytomyr region, some entrepreneurs close to the city council regularly hold tenders with low amounts that do not require...
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