Vadim Bosoy

Luxury car, millionaire wife and “Vovk’s films”: the Supreme Court of Justice and NABU became interested in the affairs of Judge Bosogo

Not so barefoot and not so single. In the latest e-declaration of the Chairman of the Economic Court of Kyiv Vadim Bosy, his wife “returned”...

5 months ago

Judge Vadim Bosoy purchased firearms worth half a million

Vadim Bosoy, head of the Kyiv Economic Court, invested half a million in his own safety by purchasing a carbine for long-distance shooting. In…

6 months ago

Property worth a million dollars: journalists found the undeclared wealth of the head of the Economic Court of Kyiv Bosogo

"Naked and barefoot" or underground millionaire? Vadim Bosoy is the chairman of the Kyiv Economic Court, which considers the country’s most high-profile economic cases (such as...

8 months ago

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