
Total video surveillance in Ukraine: lessons from the novel “1984” and modern realities of bill No. 11031

In Ukraine, deputies are preparing to adopt bill No. 11031 “On a unified system of video monitoring of the state of public security.” This initiative, supported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs,…

4 months ago

Video of beating of a TCC employee by Roma in Transcarpathia - police opened a criminal case

The police have opened a criminal investigation into the brawl in Mukachevo, a video of which is being distributed on social networks. In the footage, unknown persons inflicted bodily...

11 months ago

The Dnieper gang of scammers robbed volunteers and military personnel, causing them damage in the amount of 1.2 million hryvnia

The swindlers were unable to escape from the police and were caught. Fraudsters posted ads on various Internet platforms for the sale of cars. Buyers contributed...

1 year ago

In Lviv, an old woman was taken to the military registration and enlistment office while skiing

A 30-year-old man was wanted for violating military registration rules and defense legislation. A man was brought to justice for dressing up...

1 year ago

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