Judicial personnel shortage

President Vladimir Zelensky appointed 114 judges to local courts in early May this year. In particular, in administrative - 11...

1 month ago

Judge Veselskaya, who declared expensive pots, will receive payments from the state budget

Judge Tatyana Veselskaya resigned. She is known for allowing the ban on rallies in Kyiv in 2012, declaring expensive...

4 months ago

SAPO and NABU are preparing suspicion for the head of the Kyiv Court of Appeal Yaroslav Golovachev

The Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP) and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) are preparing suspicions against the head of the Kyiv Court of Appeal (CAC) Yaroslav Golovachev on facts of corruption.…

4 months ago

Galina Kozlenko: connected to the Kremlin?

The judge, famous for her scandals, lives in a house that she purchased through a power of attorney issued on the territory of the Russian Federation. Judge with Russian...

6 months ago

SBU officers discovered Russian citizenship in the head of the VKKS Roman Ignatov

Earlier, Roman Ignatov, head of the VKKS, claimed that he did not have a Russian passport. The High Qualification Commission of Judges received a letter from the Service...

7 months ago

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