
How the authorities are trying to hide Tishlek from responsibility

The shameful crime of the Pechersk court judge Svetlana Grechanaya, who during the war, when tens of thousands of people give their lives for Ukraine, covers up...

3 weeks ago

The authorities have once again shown that there were, are and will be corruption schemes in the ports

Once again we have to state that the current government is not going to change anything at all. Containers will float to ports -> money will float to...

1 month ago

How the authorities waste much-needed finances on nonsense

A year ago, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy launched The Gaze, which was supposed to become a competitor to the BBC and Deutsche Welle, but...

1 month ago

The inability of the authorities to stop cigarette smuggling

As the full-scale war in Ukraine continues, there is a significant loss of tens of billions of hryvnia due to the illegal trade in counterfeit cigarettes, which could...

7 months ago

The father-in-law of the deputy head of the Lviv Regional State Administration Ivan Sobko is actively buying land plots, despite the lack of official income

The father-in-law of the deputy head of the Lviv Regional State Administration Ivan Sobko, Igor Kadykalo, is buying up land plots in a prestigious suburb of Lvov. Contrary to that...

7 months ago

Aggravation between Klitschko and OP: the mayor of Kyiv accuses Zelensky of striving for authoritarianism

The mayor of Kyiv, Vitaliy Klitschko, recently commented on the actions of the central authorities in an interview with Der Spiegel magazine. Klitschko suggests that the...

7 months ago

The authorities have invented a clever way to save their corrupt officials from punishment

Dozens of high-profile corruption cases, involving at least 120 people, may soon be closed in Ukraine. Happen...

8 months ago

Business partners of Alexander Kubrakov: who does what and what they do

Government and business in Ukraine are so intertwined that personnel appointments in government bodies may mean serious changes for some representatives...

11 months ago

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