war in Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued new rules for deputies, limiting their ability to travel abroad

Ruslan Stefanchuk, speaker, signed the document at the end of 2023. In the new year - with new rules. From the beginning of 2024...

11 months ago

Arsen Zhumadilov, the chief procurement officer of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, has citizenship of the Russian Federation and was engaged in business activities in Crimea

According to Arsen Kuatovich, having a Russian passport for his wife is not a problem. However, it raises questions why the head of the State Enterprise...

11 months ago

Where can you find our long-distance transport drones?

The number of air attacks on Ukraine is growing. Hundreds of terrorists and missiles threaten. Our powerful air defense successfully repels attacks. The question arises:…

12 months ago

An officer of the Ukrainian Armed Forces talks about mobilization, the use of drones, conducting collections and using an integrated information support platform

Defending the homeland is the duty of every man according to the constitution. The army requires specialists in various fields, so receiving a summons does not necessarily mean...

1 year ago

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