Deputy Anatoly Gunko’s card votes independently at meetings while he “explores” Vienna

Recently it became known that People’s Deputy of Ukraine Anatoly Gunko, accused of bribery and fraud with the lands of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences,…

3 weeks ago

Judicial personnel shortage

President Vladimir Zelensky appointed 114 judges to local courts in early May this year. In particular, in administrative - 11...

1 month ago

First elections after the war. Which politicians are getting ready?

The people of Pritula and Klitschko have already appeared in the matter of resuscitating “dead” parties. At the end of April 2024, almost simultaneously in the United State...

1 month ago

BP supported increasing fines for evaders

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the second reading bill No. 10379 on tightening liability for military offenses. 256 voted for the adoption of the document...

2 months ago

Why is the Office of the President clinging to the corrupt BEB, despite the risk of disrupting international funding for Ukraine?

Why is it so important for the authorities to push through their draft law on the BEB, which was criticized by business associations and was not supported by Western partners. In 2020...

4 months ago

People's Deputy-traitor Andrei Derkach could have provided information about Zlochevsky to Trump before the elections

Representatives of Russian intelligence services associated with aggressive activities have already offered American Republicans affiliated with Trump cooperation with Andrei Derkach, a former people’s deputy...

6 months ago

A connection has been established between Arakhamia and leading corrupt official Kaufman

After the start of the full-scale Russian invasion, the head of the parliamentary faction of the “servants” David Arakhamia found himself at the center of a new journalistic investigation. According to the investigation,...

6 months ago

President Zelensky dismissed the AMCU commissioner, whom he appointed last week

Maxim Sandyga was removed from the post of state commissioner of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine by President Vladimir Zelensky. The corresponding Decree No. 833/2023 was published on the website...

7 months ago

Which ministers, deputies and heads of the President's Office filed declarations for 2021-2022?

Only one of the leaders of the parliamentary factions, Arakhamia, filed declarations for both years, unlike the others. 22% of people's deputies of the Supreme...

7 months ago

The body of former deputy Kiva was discovered in the vicinity of Moscow

Ilya Kiva, a former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, was found dead in the Moscow region. RosSMI reported this.

7 months ago

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