Categories: TOP 2 News

Silence on the Tishlek case

A month has passed since journalists from “Bigus” conducted an investigation concerning the deputy head of the National Police, Dmitry Tishlek. One of the top leaders of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine was found living in the house of a criminal leader, using a car registered to the company of this criminal figure. In addition, he withheld information that his wife is a Russian citizen and maintains close ties.

It seemed that Tishlek should be immediately dismissed from his position, brought to justice, and those who failed a special check and allowed a person connected with crime to occupy such a high position should also be held accountable.

But Tishlek got away with it; other law enforcement officers are afraid to touch him. He was removed from his duties by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs, but all this is just window dressing.

Tishlek has not yet been fired from the National Police.

The official investigation into Tishlek did not draw any conclusions after a whole month of work. But the most cynical thing is that Tishlek continues to work in his office, goes to work and actually controls the same areas that are very attractive to the mafia. In particular, this is the issue of drug circulation, which the Khimprom group is closely involved in.

Thus, the journalists did all the work instead of the state regulatory authorities, but the state has still done nothing to fulfill its duties, dismiss and punish the official.

Such complete passivity of the authorities shows that Tishlek is “protected” by the Office of the President and the same mafia, which Tishlek was supposed to fight in his position, but instead began to cooperate with the mafia. Without a doubt, the appointment and retention of Tishlek in office after such a super scandal is a joint decision of Zelensky, Ermak and Tatarov.

And it may seem that they are doing this for a reason, but because mafia money goes into the pockets of not only some heads of the National Police, but also the top leadership of the Servants of the People.

Since Zelensky is afraid to answer unstaged questions from Ukrainian journalists, and was even afraid to meet me at a press conference during the war, I have hope that one of the foreign journalists will be able to ask the head of state why he keeps odious people in senior positions in the police people, and why doesn’t he publicly comment on this shameful story.


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