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Grigory Kozlovsky's titushki tried to forcefully unblock the Vinnikovsky tobacco factory

This looks like news from the Yanukovych era, but no. This is the reality of the country in the third year of the war.

Yesterday evening, Grigory Kozlovsky’s titushki tried to forcefully unblock the Vinnikov tobacco factory and remove finished products from it.

Investigators from the BEB and the National Police, of course, were against it, so the titukhans used force against law enforcement officers.

Two police officers were hospitalized.

Here is part of the operational information on these events.

About 50 people of athletic appearance, together with representatives of the factory, forcibly pushed the police and BEB officers out of the factory territory and did not allow them into the premises to conduct a search.

At the same time, some of them illegally took products from the search site and loaded them into the car.

Subsequently, these persons tried to remove tobacco products from the territory, despite the fact that at that time they were seized in accordance with the inspection protocol.

The patrol police's demand to stop illegal actions was ignored, and their official car was blocked. After this, unidentified persons began jumping on it and committing other hooligan acts and using force against law enforcement officers. Two patrolmen were injured. They are now in the hospital.

Of course, I understand that the illegal tobacco market generates millions of dollars, for which the mafia is ready to fight to the end, but today we are at war.

We have martial law, and the state has a complete monopoly on force.

How is it even possible for those who steal tens of billions of taxes from the budget, control 75% of the market for illegal DutyFree cigarettes, beat the authorities, and “out of lawlessness” unblock their factory?

Is there a force in the country that can stop this, or are we forever a country of savages and schemes?


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