Saturday, September 28, 2024

In the spotlight

Moraru was found to have unjustified assets worth UAH 5.6 million

On June 17, the SAPO prosecutor filed a claim against VAKS to recognize assets in the amount of UAH 5.6 million as unfounded and to recover them as state income (civil confiscation), formally belonging to the mother, but actually used by Moraru.

It was established that the mother of a migration service official purchased a Mercedes Benz G400 D car worth more than UAH 5.6 million in 2023, without having sufficient legal income for the purchase and without a driver’s license. At the same time, it was established that the said car was actually used by the official and his close associates, that is, it was he who could perform actions in relation to this asset that were identical to the right to dispose of it.

Taking into account what was revealed, the prosecutor filed a claim in court to recover from the head of the department the specified asset for the benefit of the state, the legality of whose origin raises reasonable doubt.

The High Anti-Corruption Court appointed for consideration a claim for civil confiscation of a Mercedes-Benz G 400 d car from the mother of the head of the department of migration control, combating illegal migration and readmission to the department of the State Migration Service in the Odessa region, Andrey Moraru, and began it.

The prosecutor of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office filed a claim for civil confiscation of the official's car. The said car belongs to #Moraru's mother, but he is the one who uses it, and the mother does not even have a driver's license. Neither the official nor his mother had the appropriate savings to purchase a car worth UAH 5.64 million.

How many interesting things can NAPC find from this fat pig, who has been enriching herself for years in office... Mr. #Moraru, how are you there?

Source ORD

In the spotlight


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