Categories: TOP 2 WORLD

Scientists from Eastern Laos have achieved Internet speeds of 23 Pbps, which is 22 times faster than global traffic.

Currently, NASA's Internet connection speed is only 0.046 Pbps, but with the advent of new fiber optic technology, that could change.

Japanese engineers have broken a record for data transmission: they managed to transmit 22 times more data over one optical fiber in one second than the world's Internet traffic contains. reports their achievement .

A speed of 10 Gbit/s will surprise any user, because we mostly use a connection whose speed is 1 Gbit/s, or even less, for example, 50-70 Mbit/s. Employees of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology of Japan (NICT) were able to demonstrate in practice a data transfer rate of 22.9 petabits per second (Pbps).

According to website , in 2023 the total international Internet capacity will be 1217 Tbit/s. A petabit is equal to 1,125 Tbit, which means that thanks to the new technology, the Japanese could transmit all Internet traffic approximately 22 times faster.

“Even NASA receives only 46 terabits per second, that is, 0.046 Pbit/s,” the publication notes.

To achieve these results, NICT staff took advantage of several new technologies. For example, the cable they used contains 38 cores, each capable of transmitting data in three modes, for a total of 114 spatial channels. Each mode in each spatial channel consists of 750 channels with waves in three bands - S, C and L - and a bandwidth of 18.8 THz. This cable achieved a possible data transfer rate of 22.9 Pbps, which is more than 2 times higher than the previous record set in 2020. The team claims that optimization of error correction could allow the system in its current form to achieve speeds of up to 24.7 Pb/s.

However, there are also problems. The fact is that data decoding requires complex signal processing, which will require the installation of special devices - MIMO receivers.


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