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Ukrainians can make money from corrupt officials: details

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption has launched a Unified Whistleblower Reporting Portal. On it, Ukrainians can report recorded facts of bribery.

The press service of NAPC reports this.

In order to report corruption on the portal, you need to:

  1. Open the portal website.
  2. Choose an organization where you witnessed corruption.
  3. Fill out the message form.
  4. Click the “Submit” button.

Any person who becomes aware of information about corruption or corruption-related offenses can report corruption.

A person is considered a whistleblower under the totality of the following conditions:

  • an individual (citizen of Ukraine, foreigner, stateless person) who is convinced that her information is reliable must report corruption;
  • the information provided in the message must contain factual data,
  • proving the possible commission by another person of a corruption or corruption-related offense that can be verified;
  • this information became known to her in connection with her labor, professional, economic, social, scientific activities, service or training.

If at least one of the above conditions is absent, the person is considered an applicant.

You can submit reports of corruption anonymously or with information about yourself


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