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Ukrainian small business goes to Poland

Small businesses in Ukraine are moving to Poland. Every month 2,000 new private entrepreneurs are registered. These are data from the Polish Institute of Economics (PIE).

In 2022, Ukrainians created about 16 thousand sole proprietorships (FSE) in Poland, which is 6% of all new businesses registered last year. Almost as many were added in the first six months of 2023.

From the beginning of the war until the end of June 2023, 29,400 Ukrainian individual entrepreneurs were registered in the Central Database of Registration and Business Information. Most of all - in the field of construction, information and communications, services (85% - hairdressing and cosmetology services).

Before the war, in 2022, about 200 Ukrainian enterprises were registered in Poland per month. But after the invasion of Ukraine, the situation changed dramatically. In April 2022, compared to March, the number of companies increased almost 3 times. Since May 2022, at least 1,000 new Ukrainian firms have been registered monthly.

2023 brought record volumes, the institute noted. Since the beginning of 2023, we have observed the creation of more than 2,000 (!) Ukrainian private entrepreneurs every month. Ukrainian companies account for 67% of all new foreign businesses and 10% of all firms created during the first half of 2023.

Think about it, since the beginning of the year - 12,000 new businesses have been opened in Poland! The best, active, enterprising people, those who are able to create jobs and pay taxes, are leaving.

And in Ukraine, from August 1, 2023, preferential taxation was canceled and inspections and fines were resumed.

I’m afraid that by the end of the year 3,000 new businesses will open in Poland.


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