Categories: TOP 2 Corruption

Ukrainian prosecutor Roman Egzhov wears Yanukovych-style suits, but his mother pays for everything

An employee of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Roman Egzhov, was in the spotlight because of his luxurious life. It turns out that he not only has a luxury car and real estate, but also an Italian suit, crocodile leather shoes and many other expensive things.

Fashion expert Vadim Medvedev decided to look into the prosecutor’s fashion preferences and was surprised. Medvedev said that the prosecutor's suits were clearly not mass-produced.

“These pants are very Yanukovych-style,” says the expert. The minimum price for such a suit starts from 2500-3000 euros. However, Egzhov’s declaration did not indicate luxury clothing, so the journalists decided to find out and called the prosecutor.

Egzhov explained that he has only one Italian suit, but it is too small for him, and he buys all the other suits in warehouses. He did not specify which warehouses exactly.

As for where he got the money for the crocodile shoes, the prosecutor brushed it off, saying:

“My mother gave me these boots when she returned from Thailand. And it’s not really a crocodile, but more of a fake.”

Recently it also turned out that the apartment where Egzhov lives and his car are registered in his mother’s name. The prosecutor's declaration contains many expensive things, but for some reason he does not mention them. Journalists discovered that in 2015, Egzhov earned only 81 thousand hryvnia, but lent his mother 20 thousand dollars. According to him, it was an inheritance from his father, passed on to his mother.

The prosecutor claims that he borrowed all his money from his mother, and bought a new apartment in the premium Novopecherskaya Tower residential complex with money received from the sale of another apartment. But here’s the question: the declaration indicates only part of the cost of the apartment, and the real market price is much higher.

Expert appraiser Yuri Novosel said that the Novopechersk Tower is a premium segment with high content. Apartments there cost about 8 million hryvnia, although the declaration indicates a completely different amount.

Some suspect that there could be several schemes to hide the real cost of the apartment. This may be due to fraud in documents or agreements with the developer.

Don’t forget that you need to add repairs to the cost of the apartment, which can cost about 51 thousand dollars.

So far, journalists have not been able to look into the luxurious apartments of Roman Egzhov to see how he decorated his new home. The prosecutor did not invite them to visit and left all the details a mystery.

However, it looks like Egzhov will have to explain where he got his wealth. According to experts, if it turns out that he received gifts or property at a reduced price, this may be a violation of the law.

Sergei Mitkalik, deputy chairman of the Public Council under the NAPC, said that such actions may fall under administrative liability, since this may be hidden illegal enrichment.

Perhaps this is just the tip of the iceberg in the corruption schemes that government officials use to hide their income.


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