Saturday, September 7, 2024

In the spotlight

“Lessons of happiness” at the price of high excise taxes on fuel

Food products will soon become more expensive for ordinary Ukrainians. The poor will continue to get poorer and the rich will continue to get richer.

The Verkhovna Rada raised excise taxes on all types of fuel - this is just some kind of mockery of Ukrainians. 230 people’s deputies voted “for”: “servants”, oligarchic groups, unfortunately, part of “Voice”.

We are talking about the notorious bill regarding amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding the implementation of the provisions of the European Law Act on excise tax No. 11256-2. Got it!

As always, with the noble goal of bringing Ukrainian legislation into line with EU standards to implement the Association Agreement. But the EU, in the current economic conditions, did not require Ukraine to implement these excise tax provisions right now.

On the contrary, they allowed the introduction of precisely these provisions to be delayed! As a result, the price of gasoline and diesel will increase by 1.66 UAH per 1 liter in September, and according to the government, this is insignificant!

And this is in conditions when the entire country lives on generators, when Ukrainians are forced to increase the purchase of gasoline and diesel in order to have light and water, which the authorities do not provide, at least for a couple of hours. The changes include the following:

  • Definition of the term “intermediate products” in accordance with the EU Council Directive and setting the excise tax rate at UAH 12.23 per 1 liter.
  • Establishment of new excise tax rates on fuel, which will reach the minimum level provided for in the EU Council Directive, with a gradual increase until 2028.
  • Clarification of the term “weighted average retail selling price of cigarettes” to include taxes.

Excise taxes will increase now, literally in a month, and every Ukrainian family will feel this. Also, excise taxes will place an additional burden on food prices and other goods for a population already impoverished by the war.

Well, then – a significant increase in excise taxes on fuel; in particular, the excise tax on diesel fuel and basic gasolines will be up to 359 euros per 1000 liters from 2028. It seemed that we had reached the bottom, but there was another knock from below.

Source Bastion TV

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