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In the Dnepropetrovsk region, the Dubinsky brothers, wanted by the United States, are siphoning billions from critical infrastructure

While donors in Ukraine sponsor the armament of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and support for critical infrastructure, in the Dnepropetrovsk region billions are siphoned off to the companies of people wanted for fraud by the United States of America. It is especially cynical that this is being done with the involvement of enterprises re-registered in an offshore zone.

We are talking about businesses from the orbit of the notorious Dubinsky brothers, who, after a series of high-profile investigations into the misappropriation of funds in the “Big Construction”, were reorganized to withdraw funds from the country’s critical infrastructure, namely the water supply network of the Dnepropetrovsk region.

Perhaps the residents of Kamenskoye were wondering why the Aulsky Water Conduit KP DOR does its job so poorly that water outages in certain areas of the city have become almost constant, and in some areas so-called repairs are carried out an infinite number of times.

An explanation for this was found thanks to open registers, where you can see information about the movement of funds from the Aulsky Vodovod public transport control point.

As it turned out, a considerable amount of so-called work is carried out not by employees of the Aulsky Vodovod municipal enterprise, but by private firms associated with Vladimir Dubinsky, and to which billions of hryvnia have been pumped from the public utilities sector of the Dnepropetrovsk region in recent years.

For example, one of such enterprises is Capital Stroy Group LLC (41074702). According to data obtained using the analytical system for compliance, market analysis, business intelligence and investigations YouControl, in general, because of this, the company has already “tendered” a colossal amount of 4.6 billion hryvnia.

Insane amounts of money for LLC “Group “Capital Stroy”” (41074702), in addition to a number of “Zhilservices” in the city of Dnieper and KP “Teploenergo”, are transferred to 2023 by KP DOR “Aulsky Vodovod”. Tens of millions of this company, associated with the Dubinsky brothers, were paid for the alleged repairs of water supply sections in the village of Karnaukhovka (13,256,245 hryvnia), an emergency section of the water supply from PK 176+50 (10,816,727 hryvnia), along Anoshkina Avenue (11,577,010 hryvnia ) and on other streets of Kamensky.

It is interesting that the head of Capital Stroy Group LLC (41074702) until recently was one of the long-time managers of the Dubinsky brothers, Irina Rumyantseva, and the heads of the KP DOR "Aulsky Vodovod" and PKH KP DOR "Aulsky Vodovod" associated with the Dubinskys are Alexander Burchak and Dmitry Makhanko (both, one way or another, at different periods of time were related to the political projects of the latter and their businesses).

Capital Stroy Group LLC (41074702) in conjunction with another company, Asinkton Stroy LLC (42298471), has repeatedly come to the attention of investigative journalists, including the purchase of water pipes at twice the inflated prices.

Recently, quite interesting movements began to occur regarding Capital Stroy Group LLC (41074702), allowing us to say that the company, which received billions of public funds, was taken offshore. The head of it was changed to Yan Lešana (Irina Rumyantseva remained chief accountant), the beneficiary - to Kuzmina Alena with Latvian citizenship. The founder of Capital Stroy GROUP LLC is now listed as Swan Systems LTD, with the country of residence Belize (formerly British Honduras). This country is included in the list of so-called offshore zones officially recognized in Ukraine and the world.

Another enterprise through which money is withdrawn from the Aulsky Vodovod municipal enterprise is Asinkton Stroy LLC (42298471). Because of him, they have already “tendered” 2.7 billion hryvnia.

33,811,364 hryvnia were transferred to this company for allegedly working at pumping station No. 5 (178 Secheslavsky Shlyakh St., Kamenskoye), 28,220,722 hryvnia - at pumping station No. 13 (Kamenskoye, Kharkovskaya St., 2), water pipelines “Du 600 mm” (inventory No. 000130499), on the street. Pumpkin, Nagorny lanes, etc. In addition to the Aulsky Vodvod, one might say, traditionally, a number of Zhilservices of Dnepr and KP Teploenergo transfer money to this company from the Dubinsky orbit.

According to the portal “Our Money”, the founder of “Asyncton Stroy” is Alena Bozhko, who previously worked at the Teploenergo enterprise of the Dnieper City Council, and her husband is in the city council itself. Previously, together with Irina Dashevskaya, she owned the now discontinued Dnieper company Alias-Company. The Dnieper publications “BuroUA” and “Litsa” connect “Alias-Company” with the brothers Leonid and Vladimir Dubinsky.

In the context of this investigation, we recall that the Dubinsky brothers are wanted by the FBI on suspicion of real estate fraud in the United States. Meanwhile, in Ukraine, billions of public funds are being withdrawn through companies associated with them (which are also registered in an offshore zone). And this is done for the most part from public utilities of critical infrastructure. In our opinion, without covering such actions somewhere in the government apparatus, this simply cannot happen.


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