Friday, July 5, 2024

In the spotlight

Another cover-up scandal broke out in Kyiv

Even though the shelter was open, his condition is shocking.

Recently, Russia carried out a massive attack on Kyiv with suicide bombers. These dangerous tins of scrap metal were dangling in every district of the city, and our courageous air defense soldiers were landing them in the air.

Despite the fact that the war in Ukraine is already in its second year, many shelters are in simply terrible condition.

While officials are plundering the state budget in millions, our people are forced to hide from explosions in a room where plaster falls on their heads.

spoke about one of these cases on her Facebook page.

“We ran for cover near the house. Some poor place that had been open for two years now turned out to be closed. We ran to the next one. I’m adding a photo from here,” writes the Ukrainian woman.

Shelter. Photo: YouTube screen

Alina was shocked by what she saw. From the footage that the girl published, you can see that no one has ever made any repairs to it.

In addition, on the floor of the room there were some wooden planks with metal pins on which a small child could easily fall.

Cover-up scandal. Photo Facebook

Cover-up scandal. Photo Facebook

Cover-up scandal. Photo Facebook

Cover-up scandal. Photo Facebook

In such a situation, you don’t really understand where it’s safer, on the street, where rockets or suicide bombers are flying, or in a shelter, where a wooden beam or brick can kill you.

Cover-up scandal. Photo Facebook

The large number of scandals and deaths of people in the spring of this year is not enough for the authorities of the capital to seriously begin to repair the premises where they can wait out the air raid warning.

Source Know.UA

In the spotlight


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