Categories: TOP 2 Corruption News

The Ministry of Defense was missing a third of the humanitarian aid that was imported for the military

Since the beginning of the year, out of 9 thousand verified facts of the movement of humanitarian aid goods to the military, in more than 3 thousand cases it has not been confirmed that it has reached military units.

This was reported by the State Customs Service based on the results of joint inspections with the Ministry of Defense.

“During 9 months of 2023, based on the results of joint activities, more than 9 thousand facts of movement of humanitarian aid goods to 200 military units were verified. More than 3 thousand cases of non-confirmation of her admission to military units have been established,” the message says.

It is noted that such facts were revealed thanks to the introduced mechanism of joint control over the receipt of humanitarian supplies to military units. It provides the opportunity to quickly exchange information on confirmation of receipt of such goods by military units and identify risky customs clearances.

Currently, customs officers have sent 387 reports to law enforcement agencies about facts indicating signs of a crime. Also, 320 protocols were drawn up on violations of customs rules, where the objects of violation were humanitarian aid goods.

As the Customs Service recalled, the import of commercial goods under the guise of humanitarian aid is a violation of current legislation and entails liability.


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