Monday, October 7, 2024

In the spotlight

In the phone of “Big Construction” ideologist Yuri Golik they found correspondence with a contractor who “tendered” 4 billion

In the phone of “Big Construction” ideologist Yuriy Golik, there was correspondence with the former owner of the construction company SK Stroyinvest, which over the past few years received from the state more than 4 billion hryvnia for various works, including within the framework of “Big Construction”.

The correspondence specifies in detail the status of certain objects, and future allocations of funds are also announced. Journalists found that Golik and the “lucky” businessman were indeed united not only by this, but also suggested that it was not by chance that the contractor received large contracts and significant sums.

Yuri Golik is a consultant to “Big Construction” and ex-adviser to the head of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration Valentin Reznichenko. In November 2022, investigative journalists published information that the co-owner of one of the companies that received billions of dollars in contracts from the state as part of the “Big Construction” turned out to be Yana Khlanta, a fitness trainer and close friend of Valentina Reznichenko. After the investigation, NABU detectives took over and conducted a number of searches, including at Yuriy Golik’s. In May 2023, two mobile phones were confiscated from him, which later led to another scandal - related to the possible leaks of investigative materials from NABU to Golik himself.

However, the contents of the phones were not limited to this, since among the files located there there was correspondence with another large contractor, who began to very actively receive government orders in the Dnepropetrovsk region precisely after the Reznichenko-Golik team arrived there, and after Golik began “Great” construction ” - began to work within the framework of this program. We are talking about the company SK Stroyinvest, whose owner for a long time was (and probably still remains today) businessman Denis Ostrovsky. From 2016 to the present day, the company has received almost 4.5 billion hryvnia from the state for work on a number of facilities.

They are exactly what is mentioned in the correspondence with Denis Ostrovsky, which was contained in Golik’s phone. In them, the sender, presumably Golik himself, gives instructions on how to receive subventions and also demands reports on work at specific locations. The tone of this correspondence indicates that Ostrovsky actually plays the role of a subordinate in this process. In particular, one of his messages sounds like “I understand the problem. Will be done".

Reproducing the chronology of events, journalists came to the conclusion that in cases where the sender told Ostrovsky about potential future subventions, Stroyinvest in the future actually received either additional funds for work or victories in tenders. So, for example, one of the messages to Ostrovsky sounds like “I’m waiting for the number today. If you don’t give it today, the next subvention will be in April. If you give it today, you’ll take the money back in November.”

The message sent in October 2021 concerned a specific object - a new cultural center in Kaniv, Cherkasy region. In November, a new tender was announced for work on this cultural building. The cheaper offer was then rejected, and Stroyinvest was declared the winner.

Ironically, the company continued to receive significant government contracts even despite a number of scandals in which it was involved. We are talking, in particular, about criminal proceedings that related to possible embezzlement of funds.

It is also interesting that after the start of the full-scale invasion and the decline in the relevance of the “Great Construction”, Yuri Golik, according to journalist sources, began to take care of the restoration of objects damaged and destroyed by the Russians in the Office of the President. And already in 2023, “Stroyinvest” took up the restoration process. So, in particular, it was they who were ordered construction work in Zaporozhye and Borodyanka, Kyiv region. Subsequently, journalists found significant overpayments included in Stroyinvest’s estimates.

Recently the company returned to large contracts in the Dnepropetrovsk region. Recent photos from the sites, which the company is building with public funds, indicate that Ostrovsky only formally at one time withdrew from among the owners of the company and continued to represent it in the future.

This is not the only connection between Golyk and Ostrovsky that journalists managed to find. Thus, Ostrovsky, in parallel with the development of business in Ukraine, also created a company in Austria. ODM BAU & Investition is registered in Vienna. Journalists found out that she was being cared for by a local lawyer, Sergei Bakharev, who confirmed that Ostrovsky was indeed his client. Bakharev is also involved in another company here - DEVERTE HOLDING GMBH. For a long time, through another Ukrainian company, she was a co-owner of part of the Creative States co-working network, in which Yuriy Golik owns a significant share.

Denis Ostrovsky decided not to comment on the situation. Yuri Golik said that he does not remember such correspondence, but communicates with a large number of people, can express his opinions or advice in this communication, and also “worry about some projects that he considers important for the country or any region.” The ideologist of “Great Construction” emphasized that he does not receive any material benefit from this.


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