Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Convicts will be mobilized in Ukraine, the bill may soon be submitted to the Verkhovna Rada for consideration, - Malyuska

The military asked that the project developers exclude from possible mobilization those who violated military discipline and committed crimes in the performance of military duty. They also don’t want to see those who committed crimes against the state.

Convicts will be mobilized in Ukraine. The corresponding bill may soon be submitted to the Verkhovna Rada for consideration. Minister of Justice Denis Malyuska announced this during a telethon on March 10.

“I think that next week the bill will be registered, and at the next meeting of the Rada it will be voted on in the first reading and in the second in the same way. I expect this to happen in the spring, no later,” Malyuska emphasized.

According to him, there are thousands of convicts in Ukraine who want and can join the ranks of the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

“The military asked that we exclude from possible mobilization those who violated military discipline and committed crimes in the performance of military duty. They also don’t want to see those who committed crimes against the state. Therefore, such categories will probably not be mobilized,” the minister emphasized.

Denis Malyuska said that he expects that the bill will be considered promptly, since he has not met a single deputy who would be against it.

“Not all military commanders are ready to take in convicts and prisoners, but we will not and do not plan to impose such convicts on anyone. Most likely, these will be separate detachments,” explained Malyuska.


In the spotlight


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