Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

In Ukraine they want to change the law on mobilization

The Verkhovna Rada is working on changes to legislation that relate to mobilization and military service.

spoke about this during a national telethon.

According to him, parliamentarians are now holding negotiations with the highest military leadership of the country, because new soldiers are needed for rotation.

The working group includes representatives of all factions and groups. It is expected that several draft laws will be considered in the near future.

Among the innovations:

  • the introduction of paid leave for 90 days for persons returning from captivity (including standardization of what documents a military person or a person liable for military service must have while undergoing a military medical commission or treatment after injury; reducing bureaucracy);
  • introduction of the right to dismiss from service stateless persons or foreigners;
  • introduction of the right to dismissal from service for citizens with disabilities of groups I-II;
  • introduction of the right to dismissal from service or demobilization of female cadets who terminated their contract early.

The draft law should regulate the right to a deferment from mobilization of teachers, university professors and students.

In Ukraine, a fierce war has been going on for ten years with Russia, which attacked us. Since February 2022, there has been a full-scale war. The process of serving subpoenas is not an automatic ticket to war, but, first of all, updating the data of Ukrainian citizens. Yes, following a summons, it is possible to call up a person liable for military service for military service. This is a common process in a country at war. We should not forget that it is the duty of every Ukrainian to defend their country. For if today you run away from war, tomorrow it can come to you.

Source Apostrophe

In the spotlight


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