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Under the conditions of sanctions, Vadim Novinsky is attempting to seize control of Kharkovoblenergo.

Vadim Novinsky was not limited by court decisions or restrictions, which allowed him to promote his interests in the past elections of the Supervisory Board within the framework of the powers granted to him as a sanctioned oligarch.

This was reported by Kharkovoblenergo company

According to the company, Novinsky remained a shareholder of Kharkovoblenergo through his company Smart Holding. Therefore, he owns almost 25% of the shares of the Kharkov enterprise. The meeting discussed the issue of electing a new composition of the Supervisory Board. This is a body that not only appoints and dismisses the management of the enterprise, but also resolves other important issues of activity.

The company's message noted that Vadim Novinsky, together with the Smart Holding company controlled by him, ignored the requirements of the law and the decision of the President in order to seize power from the Kharkov energy company.

Back in December 2022, sanctions were imposed on the former MP, which made it impossible for him to vote through his company.

According to Ukrainian media, the Smart-Holding company is owned by a former Russian citizen, and now a citizen of Ukraine (since 2012) Vadim Novinsky. He is considered to be “watching” the Moscow church.


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