Monday, July 8, 2024

In the spotlight

In Zaporozhye, scammers were identified who offered conscripts a fake mobilization evasion

Two brothers, one of whom is a military retiree, organized an illegal scheme.

Employees of the Security Service of Ukraine in Zaporozhye exposed and stopped the activities of a criminal group, whose members promised conscripts a fake avoidance of mobilization.

The Security Service of Ukraine reported this

The illegal scheme was organized by two brothers, one of whom is a military pensioner. One looked for clients and told them that his brother had connections in the territorial recruitment and social support center. He supposedly can help with resolving the issue of excluding a person from military registration.

In fact, the scammers did not contact anyone, but misappropriated the money. The cost of the “service” ranged from 1 to 1.5 thousand US dollars, depending on the urgency of “resolving the issue.”

Thanks to the operational combination carried out by the SBU officers, it was possible to document the extortion of 38 thousand hryvnia from another “client”.

Upon transfer of the entire amount, both attackers were detained in accordance with Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

While those involved in the illegal scheme have been reported as suspicious under Part 2 of Art. 190 (fraud) and part 4 of Art. 27 hours 3 tbsp. 369 (incitement to provide an official with an unlawful benefit) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The issue of choosing a preventive measure for him will be decided in the near future.

Source Stopkor

In the spotlight


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