Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Vadim Grona: new member of the ARMA team, responsible for control and supervision

On June 28, the competition commission for the selection of the head of ARMA, including Elena Yara, Ivan Lishchina, Dmitry Ostapenko, Sergei Vernidub, Yuri Kiskin and Mikhail Ivanenko, supported the candidacy of Elena Duma. However, two members of the commission, Valts Kalnins and I, voted against it.

In my speeches before and after the election of the Duma, I pointed out that her appointment is a corrupt decision, that she is being promoted by the president’s office in order to preserve the corruption schemes of the previous chairman Zhoravovich. I convinced the commission to vote for another candidate - NABU detective Sergei Rokun.

And today, journalists found out that after the Duma came to the post of director of ARMA, a “supervisor” instantly appeared in the state agency - entrepreneur Vadim Grona, close to the Duma, who is illegally located on the premises of ARMA and gives illegal instructions to employees of the state agency.

Unfortunately, this is just the beginning. Control over ARMA is, as under the previous leader, in the hands of a powerful corrupt clan in power - Ermak and Tatarov. Therefore, this scandal, unfortunately, is not the last.

I appeal to all representatives of the competition commission to make public their position regarding the scandal with Grona, and whether they still consider their decision to elect the Duma justified.

Source CN.Blogs

In the spotlight


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