Thursday, July 4, 2024

In the spotlight

It is possible to deliver subpoenas by e-mail, discussed in the Verkhovna Rada

Fyodor Venislavsky, a member of the Committee on National Security and Defense, emphasized that notification of the arrival of a registered letter will be delivered to the mailbox, and the letter itself with the attached summons will be personally delivered by representatives of the postal services.

In Ukraine they are working on a bill where they plan to establish the possibility of serving a summons via e-mail and registered mail. The presidential representative in the Verkhovna Rada, member of the Committee on National Security and Defense Fyodor Venislavsky spoke about this in an interview with RBC-Ukraine

“In the bill we plan to include the possibility of serving a subpoena not only in person against a signature, but also via e-mail and registered mail,” Venislavsky said.

According to him, notification of the receipt of a registered letter will be sent to the mailbox, and the letter itself with the summons will be handed out to the person liable for military service personally by the relevant representatives of the postal services. Venislavsky called this the so-called “public agenda.”

According to the presidential representative in the Rada, Ukraine already has an electronic account of military personnel and conscripts, which will contain all identification data.

“These norms should make it easier to receive a summons and not allow people to abuse the fact that he allegedly does not receive a summons and does not violate the law,” he emphasized.

Venislavsky added that the Rada stipulates that subpoenas can be served not only by representatives of the TCC, but also through local governments and local executive authorities in order to clarify the powers of these structures in matters of mobilization.

“Currently, the current law on mobilization preparation and mobilization already stipulates that these bodies participate in mobilization activities, but in practice they very often avoid these responsibilities. In addition, we envisage that military administrations will also be involved in these events,” said a member of the Committee on National Security and Defense.

Let us remind you that lawyer Rostislav Kravets said that representatives of the TCC and the joint venture can enter the premises of citizens only in three cases: when it is necessary to save a life, when there is a threat of destruction of property, or when there is a court decision that allows entering the housing.

It was previously reported that students over the age of 30 who are receiving a second higher education will have a deferment from conscription in December. However, legislative changes are being developed in Ukraine that will deprive some of these persons of the right to deferments.

Source Horn

In the spotlight


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