What is happening with the corruption cases of Valery Golovko, Alexey Basan and Nikolai Reznik?

On August 22, the HACC Appeals Chamber will review the acquittal of Alexey Basan

We would like to remind you that on June 27, the High Anti-Corruption Court acquitted the former head of the Poltava Local Roads Agency, Alexey Basan.

By the verdict of the High Anti-Corruption Court of June 27, 2024, Basan was found not guilty of committing crimes under Part 2 of Art. 210, part 2 art. 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and was acquitted due to the lack of corpus delicti in his actions. With the same verdict, the court decided the issue of measures to ensure criminal proceedings, material evidence and documents and procedural costs

On July 19, 2024, the SAPO prosecutor filed an appeal against the court verdict

On August 5, 2024, the HACC Appeals Chamber opened appeal proceedings on the prosecutor’s appeal against the verdict of the High Anti-Corruption Court of June 27, 2024 in criminal proceedings No. 52019000000000238 of March 25, 2019 on the accusation of Alexey Basan of committing crimes under Part 2 of Art. 210, part 2 art. 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

On August 15, 2024, the HACC Appeals Chamber decided: to complete preparations and schedule a hearing on the prosecutor’s appeal against the verdict of the High Anti-Corruption Court of June 27, 2024 in criminal proceedings No. 52019000000000238 of March 25, 2019 on charges of Alexey Basan of committing crimes under Part 2 of Art. 210, part 2 art. 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, in an open court session in the premises of the Appeals Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court (Kiev, Krestovy Lane, 4) at 13:00 on August 22, 2024

We would like to remind you that as part of the pre-trial investigation it was established that at the end of 2018 the head of an enterprise that specializes in road repairs, at his own discretion, contrary to the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Public Procurement”, entered into agreements with private firms to develop design estimates for major repairs public roads of local importance However, the use of these funds under the contracts did not correspond to the directions provided for by the Budget Code of Ukraine. As a result, almost 29 million UAH were used for other purposes

In addition, it turned out that the cost of the work itself under the concluded contracts was overstated. These abuses by the head of the state-owned enterprise caused damage to the state, represented by the state-owned enterprise, in the amount of more than UAH 5.5 million

The investigation of these facts was carried out by NABU detectives under the procedural guidance of SAPO prosecutors

“The Last Bastion” has been trying for several years in a row to draw the attention of the authorities and law enforcement agencies to Basan’s criminal activities. The NABU investigation touched only one of the many corruption schemes

With money stolen from the construction and maintenance of highways, Basan is now building a luxurious mansion on the river bank in the village of Tereshki, Poltava region.

Corruption case of Nikolai Reznik

The 18th hearing in the case of Nikolai Reznik is scheduled to take place on August 29

The consideration of the case was repeatedly postponed, as the prosecution and defense again filed a motion to postpone the consideration of the case

Since February 2023, the corruption case of Nikolai Reznik has been at the stage of preparatory court hearing

As the Last Bastion was informed in the Kotelevsky District Court of the Poltava Region, the case of Nikolai Reznik is still at the stage of the preparatory court hearing. The court noted that Judge Gulyaeva G.M. cannot close the preparatory court hearing and proceed to consideration of the case on the merits, since the defense of Nikolai Reznik and the deputy head of the Poltava Specialized Prosecutor's Office in the field of defense of the Central Region, Dmitry Konstantinovich Bogatyrev, are constantly filing a petition to postpone the consideration of the case.

Thus, the defense and prosecution deliberately delay the consideration of the corruption case so that Nikolai Reznik can avoid real and fair punishment for the crimes committed.

“The Last Bastion” filed complaints with the High Qualification Commission of Judges (against Judge Gulyaeva), and the Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of Prosecutors (against Prosecutor Bogatyrev) Because by their actions and inactions the judge and the prosecutor are deliberately delaying the consideration of the corruption case of Nikolai Reznik, who is trying to avoid punishment for committing a corruption crime

Corruption case of Valery Golovko

On August 12, a preparatory meeting was held in case No. 991/6547/24 on charges of receiving unlawful benefits from the former chairman of the Poltava Regional State Administration Valery Golovko and his adviser Alexander Litvinov

Let us remind you that NABU and SAPO reported suspicions against the former head of the Poltava Regional State Administration Valery Golovko, his ex-first deputy Andrei Pesotsky and his adviser Alexander Litvinov of fraud and obtaining illegal benefits

It was established that in August 2017, the chairman of the Poltava Regional State Administration, with the complicity of his first deputy and adviser, made a request to provide and received from the entrepreneur an unlawful benefit on a particularly large scale. Thus, for 176 thousand euros, which amounted to more than 5 million UAH, Golovko promised to ensure the victory of the entrepreneur’s companies in public procurement procedures of the regional state administration, concluding with these companies contracts for the operational maintenance of public roads of local importance in the region and payment for services provided from the regional state administration budget

On October 12, 2023, NABU and SAP completed an investigation on suspicion of the former chairman of the Poltava Regional State Administration Valery Golovko, his ex-first deputy Andrey Pesotsky, Golovko’s adviser Alexander Litvinov, and the ex-director of the Department of Construction, Urban Planning and Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Poltava Regional State Administration Timofey Golban of receiving unlawful benefits on a particularly large scale

In August 2023, Valery Golovko tried to obtain a foreign passport, probably to escape from Ukraine, but the court refused him, since there was a real risk of hiding it from the pre-trial investigation body, the prosecutor and the court

On November 23, 2023, SAPO canceled the notification of suspicion to the former first deputy chairman of the Poltava Regional State Administration Andrey Pesotsky, since sufficient evidence was not established to prove the person’s guilt in court

Over the course of 5 years of investigation, NABU and SAPO could not find evidence of Pesotsky’s involvement in this corruption scheme

SAPO canceled the notification of suspicion to the former first deputy chairman of the Poltava Regional State Administration Andrey Pesotsky, since sufficient evidence was not established to prove the person’s guilt in court

On July 30, 2024, NABU and SAP sent a case to court accusing the former chairman of the Poltava Regional State Administration and his adviser of receiving unlawful benefits on an especially large scale

Why do we need courts that spend years considering criminal cases and then acquit corrupt officials?

Why do we need such VAKS, SAP, NAPC, SBR, ARMA, BEB for which billions are allocated annually from the state budget, but there is no benefit from it


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