Where is Lieutenant Bakanov fighting?

The ex-head of the SBU and trusted man Goloborodko, who was enrolled in the Poltava Bar Association, disappeared into thin air. Nobody knows where he is.

(The text is presented in the original language, preserving the author's style without corrections or abbreviations. Attention! There is profanity).

I apologize wildly, but I would like to know: on what sector of the front is the famous Ukrainian lieutenant Bakanov fighting as of today? Tell him his location.

Ivanushka Bakanov, as we know, was dismissed from the post of head of the SBU, but not from military service. How did it happen that during the war... excuse me, Ukraine is not at war with anyone... during martial law and general mobilization, he works as an assistant lawyer, undergoes an internship, and takes the bar exam?

Did the commander of the military unit allow him to do this, or did Bakanov leave the unit’s location without permission?

I think that if Bakanov, who never served a day, became an Akhvitser in 2019, after he turned 44 years old, then let him now serve as an Akhvitser. The Ukrainian army even needs such lieutenants.


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