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Oligarch Kolomoisky's gas stations could go to frontman Igor Suprunenko

More than a month has passed since the company of a certain Igor Suprunenko won the auction and bought 245 gas stations of Igor Kolomoisky from PrivatBank, but the questions that arose in connection with these auctions remained unresolved.

The most important of them is who is Igor Dmitrievich Suprunenko, who is listed as the beneficiary of Max Energo Resource LLC, which won the auction from which the ANP and Avias gas stations of the Privat group were sold. And the auction itself on the state platform SETAM was quite strange - at first nine companies registered for it, but seven of them did not pay deposits and were not allowed to bid. For some reason, the eighth participant was denied registration. Another person who wanted to buy gas stations, Sergei Koretsky from Ukrnafta, did not take part in the auction, as they say, on a strong recommendation from the public management company.

Whether this is true or not, according to the results, only one participant took part in the auction - Max Energy Resource LLC, which became the winner of the “auction”, offering a price of 695.9 million hryvnia (15.1 million euros), which is only 0.3% higher than the starting price. For this money, the company received 245 gas stations and 33 land plots owned by Igor Kolomoisky.

Some of these gas stations really don’t work, according to Igor Dmitrievich Suprunenko, who is listed as a beneficiary of Max Energy Resource LLC, but still, the price is clearly underestimated several times: One gas station cost 61.6 thousand euros, this does not take into account land plots. Which isn't even funny. Which, however, is a common practice for Ukraine and the so-called “auctions” held in this country. Especially if it concerns promising and valuable objects. In addition, everyone understands perfectly well that such auctions are controlled by representatives of the country’s top leadership, and the winners are either dummies or persons closely associated with the Office of the President. In general, “strangers don’t come here.”

But all the ins and outs of such fake winners usually quickly become known. However, not in this case. Because until now no one has found out who Igor Dmitrievich Suprunenko is, who bought Igor Kolomoisky’s property for next to nothing. Suprunenko himself admits that he is not the only beneficiary of Max Energo Resource LLC, asserting in the only interview he gave after the purchase to Economic Pravda that the company “has several more owners”:

Suprunenko does not clarify who these “several owners” are. As well as the origin of the money for the purchase of two and a half hundred gas stations. As Suprunenko himself says, last year the turnover of Max Energy Resource LLC was 1.5 billion euros, but he did not specify exactly how much the company earned. This statement goes against official reports. Thus, according to the Opendatabot resource, Max Energy Resource LLC had a turnover of 5,000 (five thousand) hryvnia, income - zero hryvnia, assets - 15,956,000 hryvnia and liabilities - 15,640,000 hryvnia. Two people worked in this powerful structure. Someone is clearly wrong. Either Suprunenko or the registries.

Now to the personality of Igor Suprunenko himself. Almost nothing is really known about him. But some assumptions can be made from the chains of connections found in the public domain. This may be a coincidence, so we will assume that everything stated below is educated guesses and not exact statements. Although there is little doubt that we are talking about the very same Igor Dmitrievich Suprunenko, the nominal owner of Max Energy Resource LLC, who bought Kolomoisky’s gas station network for pennies, to be honest.

As state registers say, Igor Dmitrievich Suprunenko is the beneficiary of Max Energy Resource LLC, and he became one as recently as January 1, 2024. Which suggests that the company was purchased, and at the same time the authorized capital was increased from 500 thousand hryvnia to a million. In addition, the company “moved” from Ternopil to Kyiv.

This information already contradicts Suprunenko’s statements to Ekonomicheskaya Pravda, where he claims that the company “has been operating in the fuel market for a long time.” From the data of the same registers it follows that Igor Suprunenko previously worked at SCM Elite Pharmacology LLC and Prabaker LTD LLC as a director:

Moreover, in the first one he was the owner until 2019 and sold it to a citizen of Moldova, and she was engaged in trade in perfumes, perfumes and pharmaceutical products. The second one, Prabaker LTD LLC, was also the property of Igor Suprunenko, and he also sold it in 2019. The company was engaged in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products. The current beneficiary is a certain Degtyarev Yuri Aleksandrovich, who owns a number of companies engaged in wholesale trade, consulting, security business, pharmaceuticals, etc. One of them, Uglespetskhimlaboratoriya LLC, is engaged in wholesale trade in “solid, liquid, gaseous fuels and similar products.” But it was not possible to find out whether Suprunenko is now connected with Degtyarev, so this chain is broken for now.

But through the current director of Max Energy Resource LLC, the company that bought Kolomoisky’s gas stations, and which, as Igor Suprunenko claims, belongs to “him and a group of individuals,” an interesting chain emerges. At Max Energo Resource LLC, the director is a certain Natalia Andreevna Matieshina. Who is also the director of Stroyindustriya LLC (code 34966233). The owner of this company is Lyudmila Nikolaevna Bondarenko. The company itself is “dead”; it does not conduct any activities.

But we are interested in her “beneficiary” Lyudmila Bondarenko, who is an undoubted “pound”, because a number of other companies and enterprises are registered in her name, completely unrelated to anything other than her person. In addition, as the Opendatabot resource testifies, Lyudmila Nikolaevna Bondarenko “is in the database of corrupt officials.”

In this host of companies there are several very interesting ones. For example, Pharmacy Biokon LLC, among whose beneficiaries is Vitaly Khomutynnik:

There is another interesting enterprise on the list - the subsidiary Coal Chemical Laboratory of PEP Gorenergo LLC, the founder of which is PEP Gorenergo LLC. Among the owners of the latter are an offshore company from the BVI and several purely Donetsk enterprises.

We repeat - it is possible that this is just a coincidence. There is too little information for a detailed study. But when there are too many coincidences, they raise suspicions. And in connection with Igor Suprunenko, both Vitaly Khomutynnik and offshore companies and obvious Donetsk connections come up. Given the fact that there are several people in the OPU in not very recent positions who come from Yanukovych’s entourage, this raises obvious suspicions.

As for Igor Dmitrievich Suprunenko himself, his biography includes an accident in 2017 and a not very good history with the inheritance.

As for the accident committed by Igor Suprunenko back in 2017, there is nothing special there, except for the car that Suprunenko was driving then - a Porsche Cayenne. Which suggests that Igor Dmitrievich is not a poor man.

But with the inheritance case it’s more interesting. As follows from the lawsuit, Igor Dmitrievich Suprunenko borrowed 177 thousand dollars and 260 thousand hryvnia from a certain citizen, writing the corresponding receipts. When the citizen from whom Igor Suprunenko borrowed money died, his heirs asked to repay the debt. But he refused to return it.

The court recognized the claims of the heirs, obliging Igor Suprunenko to return “monies in the amount of 3,432,820.00 hryvnia to compensate for losses caused to the testator.” Suprunenko, naturally, refused to comply with the court’s decision - now a new trial is underway based on his complaint.

Be that as it may, and whatever decision the court ultimately makes, this also tells us that Mr. Suprunenko is not an ordinary person. But, on the other hand, it casts doubt on his claim that he is one of the beneficiaries of Max Energy Resource LLC, which bought Kolomoisky’s gas stations. Because, firstly, he lives on credit, and secondly, he is dishonest: he clearly borrowed money - there are receipts - but he refuses to return it. Either he has no money, or he is a dishonest person who refuses to repay his debts. There is no third option. If he doesn’t have two hundred thousand dollars to repay the debt, then where does he get more than fifteen million euros to buy Kolomoisky’s gas station network? If he has them, but he does not repay the debt, then this is, to put it mildly, dishonesty. But then how can you trust his word? Including stories about the purchase of 245 gas stations of Kolomoisky.


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