Categories: Corruption

Socks for the defenders, millions for ourselves: how deputies of the village council of Gornaya OTG get richer during the war

After the 2020 elections, the majority of deputies of the village council of Gornaya OTG strangely took up positions as employees of the executive committee. For this they receive additional salaries, bonuses and financial assistance. The part-time workers are completely dependent on the village head, Roman Dmitriv, and therefore always support all his decisions in the session hall, contrary to the interests of society.

Chairman of the Public Organization Leonid Khomenko writes about this on his Facebook page. According to Khomenko, by employing the majority of deputies, Dmitry created an obedient majority. The opposition folded its arms and quickly became a pro-government puppet. “Since the full-scale invasion, the whole of Ukraine has been living by tightening its belts, helping the front, and in the Gorsky village council everything is very good and harmonious: the chairman of the UTG “feeds” the village council - the village council “feeds” the head.”

All information about the amounts of wages of village council employees and staffing tables was provided by the Gorsky Village Council through the official communication channel at the request of the NGO “PUBLIC CONTROL. OPENNESS. TRANSPARENCY. REPORTING.” Official reports on the amounts of salaries, bonuses and financial assistance received in 2022-2023 by officials of the executive committee, departments and departments. The issue of conflict of interest, which constantly arises due to the fact that the majority of deputies of the Gorskaya UTC are employees of the village council, receiving endless material benefits, is the object of attention of the NAPC.

The payment of bonuses to the divisions of the Village Council amounted to an average of 200-250% of the wage fund (payroll), and the payment of wages from the payroll for official salaries exceeded 400%... “The payroll for official salaries of the Administration of the Mining Village Council and its executive committee was approved on April 1, 2023 in the amount of 235,432 UAH per month. But this did not prevent, for example, only in June 2023 from paying the Executive Committee of the Mountain Village Council 1,378,121 UAH of wages, which is 5.85 times higher than the payroll for official salaries (1,027,948 UAH - bonuses and material assistance),” – Leonid Khomenko comments.

Meanwhile, the Gorsky Village Council, with an annual budget of 300 million hryvnia, does not have enough money to support the defenders of Ukraine. “The other day a resonant event took place. At the expense of the employees of the village council, executive committee, departments of humanitarian development, housing and communal services and municipal construction, 21 sets of military wind and waterproof clothing, 17 pairs of shoes, 200 pairs of socks were purchased for the 137th battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The total amount is 132,058 hryvnia.

Whereas, from the very beginning of the full-scale aggression, only the executive committee, the department of humanitarian development and housing and communal services and capital construction received 42,348,249 UAH from the budget in the form of salaries, bonuses and financial assistance.”


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