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Factory for free: “Stone Age” became a victim of a raider takeover?

The large Ryazan plant “Kamenny Vek” could have been seized by people close to the bankrupt Lev Antonov.

Legal battles unfolded over the Ryazan plant “Kamenny Vek” (manufacturer of paving slabs), which was recently transferred from Tatyana Vasilievna Pantyushina to Ukrainian Valentin Vladimirovich. Sources of The Moscow Post say that Pantyushina calls what is happening nothing less than a raider seizure of her property.

Force majeure circumstances

As follows from court documents, at the end of 2021, an agreement for the sale and purchase of shares was signed between Pantyushina and Ukrainsky. Pantyushina is not a young person and, apparently, decided to retire by selling her property at a profit.

One of the obligations that the buyer had to fulfill was the absence of circumstances beyond his control that could serve as a reason for refusing state registration of the transfer of ownership.

But bad luck - apparently he still had them, because the relevant authorities refused. Then Pantyushina decided to terminate the agreement, but Ukrainsky was already determined to get the plant, so he challenged the decision and already in March 2022 received registration of ownership from the government agency. Apparently, he eliminated the very circumstances that depended on him.

Thus, 100% of the shares ended up with the merchant. At the same time, the big question is: was payment made for them?

Instead of Pantyushina, Ukrainsky, using the acquired right, appointed a new general director - Viktor Valentinovich Ukrainsky (presumably his son). The latter removed the lady from participation in the affairs of the plant. In court, Pantyushina secured the seizure of the new boss’s share in the authorized capital of the enterprise, and is trying to return the plant to herself.


Who Ukrainian Valentin Vladimirovich is is absolutely unclear; there is no information about him on the Internet, and the share in the capital of the “Stone Age” is the only one he has from the point of view of official business. More is known about Viktor Valentinovich. He is the general director of Moscow LLC Wedgwood, which produces concrete. It is likely that he is a more important character in this story, who registered the share in his father’s name.

At the same time, according to the authors of the telegram channel VChK-OGPU, Ukrainsky is allegedly a figurehead of a certain Lev Antonov, who “with the help of Sergei Ivannikov, a well-known solver and supplier of “nominalities” in Ryazan and beyond, a member of the association of arbitration managers “SIRIUS” Lev convinced (Ukrainsky – editor’s note) to act as a nominal buyer.”

And that, as if the refusal to state registration of property rights was subsequently, in fact, turned to the benefit of Ukrainian and Co. with the help of that same Ivannikov. As a result, the “Stone Age” trademark could go to the Ecotech company. There are indeed references on the Internet to the fact that “Ecotech” and “Stone Age” are a single conglomerate. When exactly they were published is often unclear, but “officially” (with a date) pages older than 2022 could not be found.

Antonov, judging by his personal page on social networks, is indeed not the last person in the “Stone Age”. It is he who, on behalf of the society, goes to official events and communicates with government officials. Among them are the top officials of the Primorsky Territory and the Russian Ministry of Construction.

At the same time, according to the court decision, Antonov was declared bankrupt! Due to outstanding accounts payable. And his property goes up for auction. Moreover, the property is quite large - in addition to two luxury cars, the entrepreneur has a large plot of land in his “garage”. Antonov filed for bankruptcy himself. Apparently, this is the answer to the question - why is he acting through dummies?

Returning to Ecotech: the company is managed by Bezruchko Stanislav Konstantinovich. He also owns Arctic Stone LLC. As the editorial sources indicate, both companies may actually be controlled by Mr. Antonov. And along with them there is also LLC “Tile for Ages” under the management of Alexandra Petrovna Krivonos and LLC “Sand Group”, which according to official data is controlled by Mukhamedyarova Flyura Rakhmatullovna. The latter in 2020 owed some “kopecks” to Express-Credit LLC. As a result, the money had to be recovered in court.

It is unlikely that this lady can be the actual owner of a business with revenue exceeding 340 million rubles.

By the way, “Tiles for Ages” and “Sand Group” owe a total of hundreds of millions to the tax authorities. They say that this also became the reason for Antonov’s personal bankruptcy.

By the way, “Ecotech” and “Tile for Century” are government suppliers - they cooperate with Ryazan and even Moscow government agencies. There are not many contracts, but one of them is expensive – as much as 210 million rubles. But they don’t give that kind of money to unfamiliar organizations. True, it was terminated. By agreement of the parties. At the same time, Ecotech paid almost the full amount, only a few thousand rubles were missing!

What is this, if not cutting on the part of the team of Nikolai Lyubimov, who was the governor when the contract was concluded?

Law enforcement officers may also need to take a closer look at the head of the Ryazan City Duma, Tatyana Panfilova, whose agency, controlled by the UBG Administration of the City of Ryazan, entered into the contract.

But let's get back to our business. They say that law enforcement officers have already taken up the case of the possible theft of the plant’s shares, and Ukrainsky even wrote a confession and handed over everyone involved, but Antonov and Co. could also establish contact with the authorities: as if Ivannikov “resolved the issue” with a senior employee who is going to transfer to the position Deputy Head of the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Ryazan Region.

So, in many respects, the promotion of this case may depend on how serious Ivannikov’s connections are in the authorities.


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