Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Zelensky appointed head of the border guards intelligence department

President Vladimir Zelensky appointed a new head of the intelligence department of the State Border Service of Ukraine. It was Denis Tsyatskun.

This became known from the relevant Decree of the Head of State.

“To appoint Denis Petrovich Tsyatskun as head of the intelligence department of the administration of the State Border Service of Ukraine,” the text of the Decree says.

In July 2014, Tsyatskun took part in the battles for Talovo in the Lugansk region. In 2015 he was awarded the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, third degree.

He also worked as deputy head of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Humanities for work with personnel of the Bohdan Khmelnitsky National Academy of State National University of Ukraine.

As of 2021, Tsyatskun held the position of head of the Department of Internal and Internal Security of the State National Security Service Administration.


In the spotlight


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